InDepth and the Escape Artists

InDepth And The Escape Artists
Red Sprites And Blue Jets (LP)
Price: ¥3,480

Members: N(obody), Syah (Sources Of Specialment)
The Escape Artists
Members: Xczircles, Aamir, Ahmuse

Label: DNS Records (EU)
Release Date: 2007
Format: Vinyl
Genre: Hip Hop

オランダの DNS Records から、Syah と N(obody) によるオランダのヒップホップデュオ InDepth と、米ロサンジェルスの Escape Artists とのコラボ作。Awol One、Ellay Khule、2Mex (Visionaries)、Gel Roc、Jizzm、... らが参加!

01. InDepth - Stay With Me
02. Escape Artists - Fall On Ourselves
03. Escape Artists - Fool's Gold (feat. inDepth / L'Roneous)
04. Escape Artists - Electrolytes
05. InDepth - Voc Mentality (feat. DJ Beedie)
06. Escape Artists - Headstrong (feat. Ellay Khule / Awol One / Gel Roc / Jizzm / 2Mex)
07. InDepth - Flirt
Producer - Syah / Xczircles / DJ Mayonnaise / Skape / N(obody)